The Shady Side Of Drake

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Just like Drake stole Rihanna's spotlight at the VMAs in August 2016, he allegedly used Jennifer Lopez to make his own star shine a bit brighter just months later when the pair plastered their PDA all over social media.

Insiders at TMZ, The Daily Beast, and Page Six each reported that the over-the-top, seemingly out-of-left-field romance was simply a ploy to sell records.

Music industry sources told Page Six that Drake and J.Lo were using public speculation about their relationship status to promote a collaboration. The outlet specifically cited video and photographic footage of the maybe-couple kissing at a prom-themed party to a song they worked on together, noting that the setting was actually just a music video set and not a real party.

One insider dished, "This relationship is fake, it is just a publicity stunt to publicize their record together. If Jennifer and Drake were really dating, they'd be way more private about it ... Doesn't Drake realize that it looks weird to declare his love for RiRi at the MTV awards, then start flaunting his chemistry with J.Lo a few months later?"

Indeed, in March 2017, Drake dropped the song "Teenage Fever," which sampled Lopez's first hit, "If You Had My Love."
