Release - Star Trek Adventures: Core Rulebook Released in PDF! | Page 4

Publish date: 2024-05-03
Just bought the book, and skimming it reminds me how long it's been since I saw either TNG or DS9. (Or anything, really.... I've seen the Abrams reboot movies because they're recent, but but for one or two TOS episodes, it's been since Nemesis that I've really watched any Star Trek. Enterprise lost me after about five episodes.)

I saw all of TNG, DS9, and Voyager. But, when I read in the Modiphius book that there is something called the Tzenkethi Coalition, and that there is a border war, I realize, I should probably know what that is. So, I look it up on the Memory Alpha wiki, see there were a couple of DS9 episodes... that I completely don't remember. (Except for bits; I remember the bit about Lt. Commander Eddington congratulating Sisko upon Sisko's promotion to Captain.)

It strikes me that the amount of time since the first episode of ST:TNG and now is 30 years. The amount of time between the first episode of ST:TOS and the first episode of ST:TNG was 20 (21?) years. And yet I still think of TNG as "new" Star Trek.

I'm getting old.
