Lil Wayne Gives Hilarious Deposition in Quincy Jones III Lawsuit

Publish date: 2024-03-17

Either Lil Wayne smokes a LOT of weed, or has a short memory, or is absolutely hilarious. Regardless, you gotta see this deposition he gave for his lawsuit against Quincy Jones III.

Weezy, who is suing Jones over a documentary about his life, was grilled by Qunicy’s lawyer, Pete Ross, but claims he remembers nothing … about pretty much anything.

Jones followed Lil Wayne around for months as he was producing his album Tha Carter III. The rapper later trashed Jones’ film, calling it a "scandalous portrayal."

Ross deposed Lil Wayne regarding the impending lawsuit in June, but it’s not clear how much he got out of this … you really need to watch the video people.
