Candice Michelle Fired... Because of her Weight?

Publish date: 2024-03-28

Look at it through their perspective? Their marketing to fucking kids, anyway, NSL. Jesus, man, don't buy into this bullshit. What do they care about Sex, if they're marketing to fucking kids?

Please don't tell me you're that naiive. If they were marketing to kids, would they have women like Maryse, Kelly, or Michelle near the title scene? Or prancing around in practically nothing?

Kids don't worry if someone gains an extra fifteen pounds. And what does that tell them? Treat the girl who gained a few pounds differently? That she's not same person she used to be?

Again, if Vince was really worried about kids, would he have had Stone Cold crucified? Or, "killed" himself twice on TV? Or, how about Kane nearly raping Kelly Kelly? I'm sure kids are more scarred by that. And, I doubt there's 6 and 7 year olds surfing the net for the latest WWE news, and getting upset she got fat and fired.

You can't tell me you see anything right in such a firing. I don't care if she can't work, NSL, because the fact is that she was never able to work. And they still kept her, NSL. They made her a fucking Woman's Champion.

Exactly my point. All she had going for her, were her looks. Now that they're gone, why should Vince keep her around? It's not like she's jobless now either. She still has the GoDaddy gig, and I'm sure Cinemax would take her back in a heartbeat for some more softcore porn.

Also, when was the last time the Women's Championship meant anything? '95?

Yeah, I get it, Sex Sells.

So, why did you start this thread?

But don't fall into the chauvanistic pig's train of thought that seems to cloud the boys in Stamfords minds. Candice may have a bit of weight, but do ypu mean to tell me that it wouldn't have a lasting effect on women who watch?

I'm sure her fans are more upset that they won't get to see her hurt herself every other match, than upset that she got canned because her ass grew a few inches. The women that watch, also watch for the good looking guys. More women would be upset at Jeff Hardy getting fired, then upset over this.

And what about the women that work for WWE, and put up with this bullshit? What are they suppose to feel like right now?

Money talks. Sex sells. As long as they stay the way they are, they have nothing to worry about. There's no other way to explain some of them still having a job. If this were about wrestling, we'd see some real matches, and a lot less of what we have for the last few months/years.

I understand what you're saying if they did fire her because of her work NSL. But please, don't become like the swine at WWE headquarters. I like you NSL. But you are so fucking in the wrong here.

You have the right to your opinion, and I won't try to change it. I don't think the reason they fired her is right, but they have a business to run. Sex sells. you said it yourself. Not fat chicks in spandex, wrestling semi-hot plastic chicks in similar spandex.
