Freyja Hanstein Died: Remembering Freyja Hanstein Creator of healthy world, health app passes away

Publish date: 2024-03-31

We are deeply saddened to announce the untimely passing of Freyja Hanstein, the visionary behind Wholesome World. Despite facing personal tragedy and health challenges, Freyja’s unwavering commitment to holistic health and wellness was truly inspiring. Through her app, she provided a platform for sharing valuable information and support for those fighting diseases like cancer. While we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life and the indomitable spirit she embodied. Freyja’s legacy will live on through Wholesome World, reminding us of the importance of holistic well-being. Let us honor her memory by continuing her work and supporting her family and friends during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Freyja Hanstein, your courage and passion will continue to inspire us all.

Table of Contents

Remembering Freyja Hanstein: A Legacy of Resilience and Holistic Health

Freyja Hanstein, the visionary behind Wholesome World, will always be remembered for her unwavering dedication to holistic health and her remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Despite her life being tragically cut short by a brain tumor at the age of 36, her impact on the world of wellness and her inspiring legacy continue to resonate with countless individuals.

A Beacon of Hope

Freyja’s personal journey was marked by profound loss and her own battle with illness. After losing her husband to abdominal cancer shortly after their wedding, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor just months later. Instead of succumbing to despair, Freyja channeled her grief and health challenges into creating Wholesome World, an app that provided a platform for sharing valuable research on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and scientific advancements in the fight against diseases like cancer. Her authentic experiences and deep understanding of the struggles faced by those navigating their health journeys made Wholesome World a beacon of hope and support for many.

A Woman of Extraordinary Courage

Freyja’s legacy extends far beyond her role as the founder of Wholesome World. She was a woman of extraordinary courage and resilience, finding beauty in the world despite her personal losses and health battles. Her contagious joy and unwavering spirit became a source of inspiration for countless individuals seeking to overcome their own challenges. Freyja’s passion for holistic health and her ability to find strength in the face of adversity will forever serve as a reminder of the power of the human spirit.

Continuing the Journey

As we mourn the loss of Freyja, it is essential that we come together to support her family and friends during this difficult time. In honoring her memory, let us carry on her work in promoting holistic health and wellness. Though her journey was tragically cut short, Freyja’s spirit lives on through Wholesome World, touching the lives of many and reminding us of the importance of prioritizing our well-being.

Freyja’s Journey

Freyja Hanstein’s life was marked by personal tragedy and immense adversity. She faced unimaginable challenges and loss, yet she found the strength within herself to rise above them and create a lasting impact on the world of holistic health.

Personal Tragedy and Adversity

Freyja’s life took a heartbreaking turn when she lost her husband to abdominal cancer shortly after their wedding. This devastating loss was followed by her own battle against a brain tumor. Despite facing such profound personal tragedies, Freyja refused to let despair consume her. Instead, she chose to transform her pain into purpose and use her experiences to inspire others.

Creating Wholesome World

In the midst of her own health struggles, Freyja Hanstein channeled her grief and determination into creating Wholesome World. This groundbreaking app, later approved by the NHS, became a platform for sharing valuable information about nutrition, lifestyle changes, and scientific advancements in the fight against diseases like cancer. Freyja’s personal experiences lent authenticity and depth to the app, making it a trusted resource for individuals navigating their own health journeys.

Through Wholesome World, Freyja’s vision of holistic health and well-being came to life. She believed in the power of a comprehensive approach to wellness, encompassing not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Her dedication to promoting a holistic lifestyle continues to inspire and guide individuals seeking to improve their overall health and quality of life.

The Impact of Wholesome World

Wholesome World, the brainchild of Freyja Hanstein, has had a profound impact on the world of health and wellness. This innovative app has become a trusted platform for individuals seeking support and guidance on their health journeys. With its wealth of information on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and scientific advancements, Wholesome World has empowered users to take control of their well-being and make informed decisions about their health.

A Platform for Health Support

Wholesome World has provided a much-needed platform for individuals to find support and connect with others on their health journeys. The app has created a community of like-minded individuals who share their struggles and triumphs, offering a safe space for people to connect, share their experiences, and offer support to one another. Whether it’s finding healthy recipes, learning about the latest research, or seeking advice from experts, Wholesome World has become a go-to resource for those seeking to improve their health and overall quality of life.

Authenticity and Inspiration

One of the key factors that sets Wholesome World apart is the authenticity and inspiration it brings to its users. Freyja Hanstein’s personal experiences and her unwavering commitment to holistic health have infused the app with a sense of genuineness and relatability. Users can trust that the information and resources provided on Wholesome World are backed by real-life experiences and a deep understanding of the challenges faced on the path to wellness.

Freyja’s own journey of resilience and courage serves as a powerful source of inspiration for users of Wholesome World. Her ability to find beauty in the world despite personal losses and health challenges has resonated with many, motivating them to embrace their own journeys with a renewed sense of hope and determination. Through her legacy, Freyja continues to inspire individuals to prioritize their well-being and strive for a holistic approach to health.

Celebrating Freyja’s Life and Legacy

We are deeply saddened to announce the untimely passing of Freyja Hanstein, the visionary behind Wholesome World. Despite facing personal tragedy and health challenges, Freyja’s unwavering commitment to holistic health and wellness was truly inspiring. Through her app, she provided a platform for sharing valuable information and support for those fighting diseases like cancer. While we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life and the indomitable spirit she embodied. Freyja’s legacy will live on through Wholesome World, reminding us of the importance of holistic well-being. Let us honor her memory by continuing her work and supporting her family and friends during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Freyja Hanstein, your courage and passion will continue to inspire us all.

A Woman of Courage and Resilience

Freyja Hanstein’s life was a testament to the power of courage and resilience. Despite facing personal tragedies and her own health challenges, she never allowed herself to be defined by them. Instead, Freyja chose to rise above her circumstances and become a beacon of strength and inspiration for others.

Freyja’s unwavering determination and indomitable spirit were evident in every aspect of her life. She faced unimaginable loss with grace and used her own experiences to fuel her passion for holistic health. Her ability to find beauty in the world, even in the midst of adversity, was a testament to her extraordinary character.

Continuing the Work

While we mourn the loss of Freyja, it is important to remember that her legacy lives on through the work she started. Her dedication to promoting holistic health and well-being should serve as a call to action for all of us. We have the opportunity to honor Freyja’s memory by continuing her work and spreading her message of resilience and holistic living.

Let us come together as a community to support Freyja’s family and friends during this difficult time. By carrying on her mission, we can ensure that her impact on the world of wellness is not forgotten. Whether it’s through supporting organizations that align with Freyja’s values or incorporating her principles of holistic health into our own lives, we can all play a part in preserving her legacy.

Freyja Hanstein’s life was a shining example of what it means to live with purpose and passion. As we celebrate her life and legacy, let us be inspired by her courage and resilience. May her memory continue to guide us as we strive to make a positive impact on the world and embrace the principles of holistic health that she held dear.


Freyja Hanstein’s life and legacy serve as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of resilience. Despite facing personal tragedies and her own health challenges, Freyja chose to rise above her circumstances and create a lasting impact on the world of holistic health.

Through her creation of Wholesome World, Freyja provided a platform for individuals to access valuable information and support on their health journeys. Her authenticity and personal experiences lent credibility to the app, making it a trusted resource for those seeking to improve their well-being.

Freyja’s unwavering commitment to holistic health and her ability to find beauty in the world, even in the face of adversity, continue to inspire and motivate others. Her legacy lives on through Wholesome World, touching the lives of countless individuals and reminding us of the importance of prioritizing our overall well-being.

As we celebrate Freyja’s life and honor her memory, let us carry on her work by promoting holistic health and wellness in our own lives. By embracing her principles of resilience, courage, and authenticity, we can make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us.

Rest in peace, Freyja Hanstein. Your legacy of resilience and holistic health will continue to inspire and guide us on our own journeys towards well-being.

In conclusion, Freyja Hanstein’s life and legacy serve as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of resilience. Despite facing personal tragedies and her own health challenges, Freyja chose to rise above her circumstances and create a lasting impact on the world of holistic health. Through her creation of Wholesome World, Freyja provided a platform for individuals to access valuable information and support on their health journeys. Her authenticity and personal experiences lent credibility to the app, making it a trusted resource for those seeking to improve their well-being. Freyja’s unwavering commitment to holistic health and her ability to find beauty in the world, even in the face of adversity, continue to inspire and motivate others. Her legacy lives on through Wholesome World, touching the lives of countless individuals and reminding us of the importance of prioritizing our overall well-being. As we celebrate Freyja’s life and honor her memory, let us carry on her work by promoting holistic health and wellness in our own lives. By embracing her principles of resilience, courage, and authenticity, we can make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us. Rest in peace, Freyja Hanstein. Your legacy of resilience and holistic health will continue to inspire and guide us on our own journeys towards well-being. We are deeply saddened to announce the untimely passing of Freyja Hanstein, the visionary behind Wholesome World. Despite facing personal tragedy and health challenges, Freyja’s unwavering commitment to holistic health and wellness was truly inspiring. Through her app, she provided a platform for sharing valuable information and support for those fighting diseases like cancer. While we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life and the indomitable spirit she embodied. Freyja’s legacy will live on through Wholesome World, reminding us of the importance of holistic well-being. Let us honor her memory by continuing her work and supporting her family and friends during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Freyja Hanstein, your courage and passion will continue to inspire us all.
