Meaning of Folie Deux by Westside Gunn

Publish date: 2024-04-03

The Westside Gunn song titled 'Folie À Deux' dives deep into a multitude of themes and concepts. While some may see it merely as a rap song, a closer examination reveals hidden layers of meaning and symbolism. The overarching theme of the song appears to be centered around the duality of human nature and the consequences of our actions. Throughout the lyrics, we encounter vivid imagery and thought-provoking lyrics that contribute to the exploration of this theme.One of the standout lyrics in the song is "Extravagant gat, ravishing, rockin' full moons." This line presents the idea of extravagance and glamour, juxtaposed with the destructive power of a gun. It speaks to the allure and danger that can emerge from material excess and a willingness to resort to violence. This theme is further developed as the verse continues with references to crack stashed in Celine drawers and a scene of violence at Geraldine's. These lyrics hint at the consequences of indulging in dark desires and the destruction that follows.Moving on to the second verse, we are introduced to Keisha Plum's contribution. "Crescent moons and indica trees" creates a visual image of serenity and tranquility. However, this peaceful atmosphere is disturbed by the presence of three killers. Here, the lyrics explore the dark side of human nature, where violence and death bring satisfaction. The line "Then sledgehammer both her knees" showcases the brutal consequences of crossing paths with these individuals, emphasizing the ruthless nature of the characters being portrayed.The themes in 'Folie À Deux' take a different turn in the third verse, delivered by Mach-Hommy. Unfortunately, the provided lyrics are incomplete, but we can still examine the previous verses to extract potential themes that might carry over. One possible interpretation is the theme of power and control. The protagonists in the song exert dominance over their surroundings and engage in violent acts to assert their authority. The lyrics express the idea that strength comes from exploiting weaknesses. This theme suggests a dark perspective on human psychology and the lengths some individuals are willing to go to maintain control.Another recurring theme throughout the song is the fragility of human existence. The artists explore the notion of a life teetering on the edge, where one wrong move can lead to catastrophe. The lyrics paint a picture of a world where danger lurks behind every corner, and violence is always one step away. This theme reminds us of the delicate balance between chaos and order, with our actions having a profound impact on the outcome.In conclusion, 'Folie À Deux' is a song that explores the complex facets of human nature and the consequences of our choices. Through vivid imagery, it delves into themes of duality, indulgence, power, fragility, and control. Each lyric serves to develop these themes, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. It is through examining and dissecting these unexpected and imaginative themes that we can fully appreciate the artistic prowess of Westside Gunn and the thought-provoking nature of 'Folie À Deux.'
